Easy to Access Course Content

Wouldn’t it be great if all of your students could easily access your course content in the ways that best fit how they learn? With a little effort and assistance, you can design your content so it can be read, listened to, and watched using different kinds of devices. This helps students who use assistive technology, commute, like to listen to content while doing something else, and are not native English speakers. The end result is the ability to learn anytime, anywhere.

Sign me up you say? Awesome, here’s how to get involved!

  • Using Bb Learn? Join a pilot of a tool called Ally to scan your course content, get feedback on how accessible it is, learn how to make it even more accessible, and get support along the way. We’ll connect you to a test course to play with and enable Ally for your own course. The benefit to your students is being able to access your content using semantic html, audio, ePub, and electronic.
  • Interested in making more accessible Word documents? PowerPoint files? PDF files? Sign up for a training session and we’ll do our best to schedule them to fit your schedule.
  • Using videos that you’d like to caption? Contact LIT for captioning assistance.
  • Do you like self-help resources? Visit a webpage and LibraryGuide that provides just in time resources.

Learn more about accessibility at Wentworth: