CNC routers are capable of milling 2D shapes and 3D surfaces in a wide range of materials and are useful for representational models through functional full-scale work. SoAD has two 3-axis CNC routers:

ShopBot PRS Standard with a 48″x96″ bed

Tormach 24R with 24″x48″ bed and 10 tool automatic tool changer


Please reach out to a SoAD Labs staff member for training.

CAM software

CAM (computer aided machining) software is used to program CNC tools. SoAD Labs provides instruction, support and access to RhinoCAM software which is used to program the the labs CNC routers. RhinoCAM is a robust CAM plugin for Rhino which allows you to program and simulate toolpaths within the native Rhino interface.

getting RhinoCAM

  • installing and configuring RhinoCAM
    This guide covers installation, licensing, and configuration of RhinoCAM for SoAD's CNC routers. before getting started Connect to the Wentworth campus network through Eduroam WiFi or hardline. If you're off campus, you can connect via the GlobalProtect VPN. The RhinoCAM license is active only when you are connected to the Wentworth network. Install the latest…

tool database files

Only use the tools contained in the RhinoCAM tool database files below:

TOOLDB – MDF – end-mills

TOOLDB – plywood hardwood – end-mills

TOOLDB – XPS foam – end-mills

TOOLDB – foam – long reach – end-mills

TOOLDB – drag-knife

lab resources and use

CNC tooling

The SoAD Labs provides and maintains a stock of machine tooling for general use.


The chart below serves as a guide for materials that can be worked safely with provided CNC tooling and infrastructure. If you would like to cut material not found on this list, please contact lab technical staff.

allowable materials restricted materials
wood common softwoods & hardwood
MDF (in limited quantities only)
tempered hardboard [Masonite]
exotic & rot-resistant hardwoods
pressure-treated wood
painted or stained wood
reclaimed lumber
plastics Acrylic
foam XPS foam [pink / blue insulation]
EPS foam [typically white + granular]
polyurethane modeling foam [RenShape]
metals none
masonry none