The Wentworth Board of Trustees welcomed six new members at a meeting on September 15. The new trustees are Mark Bamforth, founder, president, and CEO of Brammer Bio; David Blittersdorf, MDE ’77, Hon. ’14, president and CEO of AllEarth Renewables; Peter Davoren, CC ’76, Hon. ’15, president and CEO of Turner Construction Company; Anil Jha, MET ’68, Hon. ’15, founder and former CEO of HydroNovation; Lawrence LaFreniere, president of Electric Supply Center; and Sylvia Price, MAC ’89, director of strategic sales programs at Pitney Bowes Software. Wentworth also named five new Corporators: Scott Epstein, MDS ’78; Thomas Hamill, BCS ’90, CMC ’91; Daniel Holzer, BELM ’09; Janice Piccarini; and Fred Raymond, EEE ’84, EEC ’86.