CHAMPION OF INNOVATION: Anil Jha at Accelerate Headquarters (Photo by Heratch Ekmekjian)
Spend a little time with Anil Jha, MET ’68, HON. ’15, and one of the things that comes through is his optimistic outlook: a confidence that technology and innovation can solve even the world’s most challenging problems. Take clean drinking water, for example. “In 50 years, we will have enough water for everyone,” he says. “I think technology will make it happen.” Jha has good reason for his sunny worldview. A pioneer in the water-purification industry, he’s been at the forefront of innovative technology himself for more than 40 years, responsible for 130 U.S. and international patents and the development of more than 50 distinct water purification products. Today, through the Jha Family Accelerate Fund, Jha is helping to prepare the next generation of Wentworth innovators for entrepreneurism and career success. After earning an associate degree in materials engineering technology from Wentworth in 1968, Jha went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in 1975.
At Siemens Water Technology Corp., Jha developed continuous electrodeionization technology (EDI), now widely used for ultrapure water and seawater desalination. “Myself and two other guys started a completely new technology from the ground up,” Jha says. “It is one of the most innovative products in the water industry.” How does it work? In a word: electricity. “A lot of water processes require too many chemicals,” Jha says. “You’re dumping chemicals into the ground. We came up with a way to electrically purify water.” In 2008, Jha founded HydroNovation, bringing water-purification technology to residential customers. “In many parts of the country, the water is very hard, so customers have to use a softener, which uses salt,” Jha explains. About 11 million home water softeners in the U.S. each dump 400 pounds of harmful discharge into the ground water every year. “That changes the salinity of the ground quite a bit,” he continues. “My technology is not using any chemicals—just electricity—to purify home water. It is an environmentally friendly product.” Jha sold HydroNovation in 2013, and he remains part of the company’s leadership team as chief technology officer. By giving generously to Accelerate, Wentworth Innovation + Entrepreneurship Center, Jha is helping ensure that today’s Wentworth students will be prepared to think creatively to solve the world’s great problems of tomorrow.
In addition to his financial support, Jha—who served as Wentworth’s Commencement speaker for the Spring 2015 ceremony—has been back to campus often for seminars and mentoring with Accelerate students, and plans to bring in experts from other fields, as well. “I like students to graduate and go into innovation,” Jha says. “If I can help people do that, it means a great deal to me.” —Caleb Cochran