Monthly Archives: September 2015

The First Weeks at Wentworth

I am finally all set up to blog, and there is so much for me to say about the first 2 weeks of school that I could not possibly tell you everything in 1 post, so I will spread out the information. By now, I have met all my professors and befriended many of my classmates because most of my classes allow or encourage discussion or teamwork.

Settling into the college routine, classes themselves have not been tough yet, but I have a ton of responsibility. Among other lifestyle and living challenges, completing schoolwork is now solely my job alone. I think I am not the only one here that is used to having a little bit of help and supervision enforced on myself to make sure I keep up with classes. For the first couple days, I enjoyed the liberty, but I do not think I did well without the support – I already missed an assignment: an entire essay.

In response, I have a strategy; I try to get academic involvement with a whole bunch of people so that I have accountability. My friends and I make sure that we are all getting the work done for classes, we can go to each other for help, and we always have a group ready for projects. My professors know my name and that I am interested in learning, and I think they would show concern if I fell behind.
Not to mention all the other academic resources on campus. (see number 9 on this list my friend sent me) I have not needed the FSG or Learning Center help yet because we are still in the review stage for most of my classes, but I think that will change soon.

Speaking of changes soon, I will try to add more pictures to my blog in the future, but at the moment, my only camera is attached to the top of my laptop monitor.
Comment if there is anything specific you think I should add/remove in my blog or that you want to see.
– Steven Chris Joanis