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Like many students, I have a decent job on campus. I work for DTS as a junior media technician, so I regularly set up and supervise sound at all sorts of events. I enjoy my work because it pays well and I can do homework during downtime. This job specifically, is a boon because it presents opportunities to meet the people active around campus.

The other week, I got to talk to Dean Wenner, Robert Totino our CFO, and Carissa Durfee and Linda Bernazzani, director and assistant director of campus life. What I really liked about meeting all them is finding out that the people behind all the things that happen are so friendly, and even generous.

For example, this Friday I was covering sound at the athletics Hall of Fame event. It was more or less a black tie event, few of the attendees were students, and I was definitely the youngest one in the building. Anyway, my job mostly consisted of sitting in the corner and making sure all the media equipment was working. Dean Wenner, who was one of the guests (hopefully you will get a chance to meet her) approached me from one of the dinner tables. She had gotten up from her own meal to offer me, the student worker sitting in the corner, a full fancy dinner. Beyond this, she knew I would be embarrassed getting the food myself, because I was so out of place and underage, so she got me food!


School is decently underway now. We all know which professors give the most homework and what sorts homework cannot be put off until the night before.

Because of this knowledge, this has become a week of great discernment for me. I am examining which clubs and activities I can actually keep up with, because classes generally prioritize above extracurriculars and entertainment. I have already caught myself falling asleep doing homework and having to do homework on the train, so perhaps I need to rethink my use of time. Last year, I had the exact opposite problem and was bored all the time, especially since I did not prioritize school too highly. I thought that by pursuing everything, I would be able to stay sharp and force myself to keep out of trouble.

I like to think I have been keeping sharp, and there has definitely been no time for trouble, but I am beginning to have to skip out on events and leave my friends hanging when I thought I could go to club meetings and social gatherings, but had to decide otherwise. That’s why I am taking this week to decide what to drop altogether.

To make the decision about whether or not to continue an activity, I need to consider a large number of factors. I figure out how much it will affect my career and future, or if it will help me build relationships or a network. Of course I need to keep some fun too because, as a wise madman once printed, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”


Image from: The Shining


Have you ever heard of the college triangle dilemma? Choose two of the following three: grades, social life, or sleep. With proper time management, we can choose all three. Or if you’re like me, you will occasionally choose videogames over a social life, but that’s a different story.