The Schumann Library & Learning Commons will use and showcase technology. On the blog we are highlighting the various technologies in the new library, made possible in partnership with DTS. To start, we’ll talk about the digital room scheduling and the raised flooring, two infrastructural technologies that will change a lot in the library space.
Digital Room Scheduling
- Room available
- Room busy
Our partners in DTS and AVI-Pro are helping to raise the level of room scheduling on campus with digital room signage and scheduling from Crestron. Each of the eight high-tech group study rooms will include digital room availability signs – if the screen and side light are green, the room is open, if they are red, the room is booked.
The screens will also display room availability throughout the day among other features. The pictures are of a sample DTS installed for testing this summer – in the renovated library the digital signage will be mounted directly on the glass walls of the study rooms. We’ll use these new room booking tools to help you know whether a study room is free, and DTS plans to deploy similar room schedulers at other locations on campus in the future.
Raised Flooring – network and power underfoot
While flooring isn’t exactly technology, this innovative and flexible flooring from Gridd flooring systems will allow for a much enhanced technology infrastructure in the renovated library. The main area of the 2nd floor will incorporate the raised flooring system to allow for network and power cabling to run all throughout the main floor, making power outlets much more frequent in the space, and allowing for future growth and adjustment over time without the need to drill into the concrete.
Cabling runs through the puzzle-like flooring panels, which have many options for floor boxes and access to the cabling. The Gridd flooring system is not only technology-enhancing, but sustainable – the all-steel design is BuildingGreen approved and allows for modular changes over time.
The modular panels will be covered with carpet tiles once the library reopens. Here’s a look at what will be underneath your feet!