TLC Staff Picks: Books for the Winter Break

Super Courses The TLC team just finished reading Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning (2021) for inspiration on how to improve learning experiences for our Wentworth students. In this book, Ken Bain presents alternatives to the traditional classroom activities, distinctive because they view learners as participants not just recipients of information; they provide […]

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End Of Semester Reflection and Wrap-Up

Springing Forward Before you pack your bags and head off into holiday bliss, let’s wrap up your course and get them ready for your return in the spring semester.  This is the ideal time for course and self reflection.  This checklist focuses on your course content, your course mechanics and your self reflection. Course Content […]

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Flipping the Classroom

Flipped Classroom. A Definition “A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning, which aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete readings at their home and work on live problem-solving during class time” (Wikipedia Contributors, 2021). This graphic visually represents the flipped classroom, where scheduled class time […]

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