Want to present at the 2015 COF Teaching and Learning Conference: Critical Conversations?

Join the Colleges of the Fenway November 12th (evening) and November 13th (9-3) at Simmons College exploring Critical Conversations. As educators, we need to be equipped to manage difficult conversations whenever and wherever they occur: How do we talk about the Black Lives Matter movement? How do we address a theater shooting? Terrorist Bombing? The recent statistics […]

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Connect with LIT for Resources, Help

Connect with LIT to find the latest news in teaching and learning, help with Blackboard, state of the art academic technology tools to engage learners, and tips/resources for course development. To find us, drop by Annex Central 205, email lit@wit.edu, or call 617-989-5428. You can also visit wit.edu/lit where you can find useful information, subscribe to our […]

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LIT Website Redesign…Coming This Fall

Oh, you want to find that online? Your wait is almost over…the redesigned LIT website has officially entered the development phase and will launch this fall! Find resources to solve your teaching challenges and contribute your opinions, resources, and scholarship. Interested in helping to test drive the new online resource center before launches…touch base, we’d […]

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