Dear Faculty,
The purpose of this message is to provide an updated set of foundational practices developed with the input of faculty to improve the clarity of certain practices especially as we transition to a new year and new semester. Use the following foundational practices within the Learning Management System (LMS, i.e. Brightspace) to help students reduce cognitive load as they navigate course to course, know what’s expected, and use alternative digitally accessible content formats. These practices align with Inclusive Excellence and support instructional effectiveness student feedback from SSI and the LMS implementation.The practices address a NECHE Standard 6 growth area to increase meaningful use of Brightspace to enhance student learning in partnership with academic leaders, the Faculty Senate, and Wentworth Student Government. Use of the LMS supports FERPA data privacy though a secure platform. Consider adding information on how to navigate the course in a content area or quick video tour so students understand how you’re bringing these foundational practices to life. 1. Post a digitally accessible syllabus including the word “syllabus” in the document name (Syllabus-SUBJ-XXXX-Section(s)-Term-InstructorLastName) o Post syllabus, office hours, and contact information in a module under the Table of Contents area (not the Overview) in Brightspace so students can easily find the syllabus and use it in the accessible alternative formats available. 2. Organize course content into clear categories or chunks (for example: topics, weeks, modules, syllabus structure chunks). o Students can easily locate what they need to do and when with clear expectations for the duration of the course. o Faculty save time editing the course content and reusing/copying content term to term. 3. Communicate regularly with students through Brightspace announcements and Wentworth email. o Regular announcements to students extend the learning environment and create a digital repository students can look back on. o Tip: Link content within the course in announcements o Tip: Email can be sent to the entire class using the Brightspace Classlist 4. Post assignments and assessments so students can use the LMS calendar to keep track of course work and due dates (due dates automatically sync to the course calendar). o Students appreciate a Work to Do Widget student tool that helps them proactively manage their course work. o Tip: faculty can easily adjust due dates in a streamlined way using the Manage Dates feature located in the Course Admin page. o Tip: students and faculty can easily find assignments and assessments using Quick Tools o Tip: faculty can also add assignments using the “paper submission” (not electronic) setting if no online submission is needed. o Tip: posting assessments can reduce accreditation workload for course and institutional level assessment 5. Post grades in Brightspace Gradebook and feedback in an appropriate platform along with the criteria, expectations, and how the grade is being determined for assignments and assessments, so students know where they stand in the course. o Tip: Use rubrics to streamline grading and student feedback (get inspired by Five Minute Flares: Rubrics Reimagined video). o Tip: TheTILT framework method advocates clear expression of purpose, task, and method of assessment to provide transparency that helps students know what to expect when completing activities and can support their motivation to persist with them. Learn more about TILT on TLC’s Course Delivery/Student Motivation resources. o Tip: Academic technology tools/ 3rd party platforms may be used to provide students with practice, assessments, and feedback (publisher tools, Mathworks, Gradescope, NuVu…) Interested in learning more about the context that supports these guidelines? Read more about Context for Foundational Practices. Teaching & Learning Collaborative colleagues are happy to be thought partners and help you bring these practices to life in your courses. Stop by Beatty 318, visit in-person/virtual drop-in hours schedule a consultation or submit a ticket at Visit the TLC Services page and Events for workshops. Thank you for your time, especially, to all those who provided comments and input on these improvements. Joe Martel-Foley, Ph.D., Vice Provost |