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Getting too many Blackboard emails? Check your settings

Many users have reported a recent increase in the number of emails received reporting changes in Blackboard. Last term we worked with a user who was not receiving critical emails from an instructor sent from Blackboard. In the process of fixing that user’s problem, we had to restart the notifications system which sends messages. Apparently the system had not been sending out all the notifications it should have sent and now is.

What that means for most users is that you may be seeing a dramatic increase in messages about any change an instructor or another student may make in Blackboard. These messages might be about content items added or discussion posts added. In an active course, this may result in email overload.

The default setting for notifications is a daily digest. However, if you were not receiving messages you may have adjusted the setting to see if you could get Blackboard to send messages and now are getting more than you want. All users can adjust their notification settings on a very granular basis to select what types of notifications they receive. These settings can be changed globally or on a course by course basis.

The video below demonstrates how to change your notification settings and regain control of your inbox.

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