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Spring 2021 Incompletes in Blackboard – What will happen at the end of the Blackboard contract?

As part of our migration from Blackboard to Brightspace we plan to turn off access to Blackboard on June 1 so that we can ensure we get the most up-to-date course archives and to pull data from the system that we want to retain. If you have a student in a spring 2021 course on Blackboard that needs to take an incomplete what will they do?

LIT & O has been discussing this possibility with Academic Affairs to determine how to accommodate this need. We’ve come up with a plan based on the following:

  • All spring 2021 courses were created in both Blackboard and Brightspace to accommodate instructor choice.
  • Students are enrolled in spring 2021 courses in both systems.

Our plan starts with a report from the Registrar’s Office listing who has incompletes and in which courses. LIT & O staff will determine where the course was taught, Blackboard or Brightspace. For courses taught in Blackboard, we will create an export package and import it into the corresponding site in Brightspace.  LIT & O staff will clean up any Blackboard specific content and will contact the instructor to determine which assignments/quizzes, etc the student needs to complete and will ensure the needed activities are set up and working correctly for the student.

The role of the student who has the incomplete, will be changed to “IC Student” to allow them to access the course after the close date for the course (automatically set for 28 days after the term end date in Banner). Only students with incomplete grades will have access to closed courses. When the final course grade is recorded, the student’s role will revert back to “Student” and the student will lose access to the course.

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