We’ve all been there. Selected the wrong answer as the correct one and had to go back and fix the issue. In recent months the Wentworth community has switched from the Blackboard to Brightspace learning management system. In Blackboard, changes to quizzes after students already submitted were easy with the…
Leave a CommentMonth: October 2021
What’s up with the dials? Instructors: Wondering what that color-coded dial next to your content means? This dial is part of a tool called Blackboard Ally, which you can use to enhance the accessibility of your course content. Students cannot see the dials – they are for YOU so you…
Leave a CommentA mid-semester survey is an opportunity to implement student feedback to improve course design and delivery. It is a series of survey questions given halfway through the semester. The timing of a mid-semester survey makes it possible to implement the feedback to improve the students learning experience in real-time. Moreover,…
Leave a CommentLike Blackboard, Brightspace has a mechanism for regrading quiz questions where you accidentally set the wrong answer as correct. Moreover, some question types can only be regraded manually, so it pays to be extra careful checking the question scoring. The question types that can not be regraded or are difficult…
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