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Regrading Part 1: Not all question types are created equal

Like Blackboard, Brightspace has a mechanism for regrading quiz questions where you accidentally set the wrong answer as correct. Moreover, some question types can only be regraded manually, so it pays to be extra careful checking the question scoring.

The question types that can not be regraded or are difficult to regrade using the automated function and therefore require manual regrading are:

  • Arithmetic
  • Short Answer
  • Fill-in-the-Blank

Fill-in-the-Blank questions can sometimes be regraded using Regular Expressions but this is often difficult and the time spent trying to get the regrade to work is better spent manually grading the question.

The question types that can auto-regrade are:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Multi-Select
  • Matching
  • Ordering

The trick to remember, unlike Blackboard where you if you changed an answer after the students completed a test, you’d be prompted to update all grades, Brightspace does not update existing attempts, only future attempts. Instead you enter the quiz grading workflow and update the scoring for the questions that are incorrect. The general workflow is contained in this documentation from Brightspace.

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be adding videos detailing how to regrade each type of quiz question.

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