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Brightspace Overview Page 5-Ways

The Overview Page is an opportunity to make an impactful first impression on your incoming students. Furthermore, it could be a continued resource as the semester progresses. Here are 5 inspirational ways to set up your Overview Page.

ONE: How to Get Started and Where to Find Various Course Components

Screenshot of a QM Standard 1.1 Overview Page

In this example, the Overview page is used to convey Quality Matters Standard 1.1. Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.

TWO: Module Overview and Dashboard

Screenshot of Module Overview

MathBoost uses the overview page as a visual navigation menu. All the images and links go directly to the corresponding module in “Content”. Students can pick up where they left off, or jump around to the module they want to review. (Thank you to Tom Batcho, Math Support Coordinator, for allowing me to use this screenshot!)

THREE: Course Introduction and Learning Objectives

Screenshot of intro and LO overview page

A graphic banner is a great addition to add visual interest. The image is responsive, but here are some dimension guidelines. Some people prefer a skinnier header, I recommend 780 x 180 px. Personally, I prefer a bolder banner using 2600 x 960 px. This Overview page focuses on the purpose and structure of the course (QM Standard 1.2) as well as the overarching course learning objectives (QM Standard 2.3).

FOUR: Syllabus

Screenshot syllabus

A lot of instructors use the Overview page to hold the Syllabus. This is easy to do, and it makes a lot of sense for students to refer back to the page at any point during the semester.

FIVE: Embedded Video, Course and Textbook Information

screenshot of embedded video course info and textbook

What I like best about this example from Uri Feldman – Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering, is the use of the embedded video to set a welcoming tone. This page also has an information summary, a picture of the required textbook, and a link to the bookstore (not pictured).

Key Takeaways

  1. The Overview page is an opportunity and doesn’t have to be left blank
  2. The Overview page can be media-rich. Videos, images, gifs, and graphics look lovely here.
  3. Instructors can change the information on the Overview page at any time. The first few weeks could reflect an introduction to the course. The remaining weeks could focus on a final deliverable, additional resources, or other course-specific uses. See the next point.
  4. The Overview page doesn’t always auto-launch. The first time a student clicks on Content they are taken to the Overview page. After that, they are taken to where they left off in the table of contents. If you do utilize the Overview page beyond getting started, you will need to tell your students in class or in an announcement.
  5. Add Wentworth logo to create a home brand. I think the logo works really well here and continues the community presence in the course.

How do you use the Overview page? Let us know!

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