Every month TLC will post the newest and noteworthy materials up on the Teaching & Learning Hub. Here is February’s list.
Teaching Strategies & Pedagogy:
- Inspired by the Pedagogical Legacy of bell hooks – In honor of Black History month Tes Zakrzewski writes: “Reflect on critical questions posed regarding how bell hooks’ engaged pedagogy and Tich Nhat Hanh’s thinking about wholeness show up in your teaching, learning environment, and attending to your own well-being”.
- Student Success Language for Brightspace and Syllabi – Use Brightspace to communicate clear expectations and keys to success. Make the expectations crystal clear so that students understand the course design, as well as their role in their learning, from the beginning.
- Teaching Resources Library Guide – The Library has compiled a list of books on Teaching.
- Brightspace Overview Page 5 Different Ways – The Overview Page is an opportunity to make an impactful first impression on your incoming students. Furthermore, it could be a continued resource as the semester progresses. Here are 5 inspirational ways to set up your Overview Page.
- Ensure Students Complete Requirements – In this blog post, we promote Release Conditions as a strategy to ensure students actually read the syllabus or other important course content.
Technology Tools & Tips:
- The Impact Support System on Brightspace – Use the orange question mark to get support on Brightspace tools and strategies. TLC is actively adding new support documents to the Impact Support System on Brightspace. Look for links to custom Wentworth materials or tips for the tools. We’re also planning how to best stage content for faculty and students. Keep an eye out for pop-ups at the bottom of the screen to alert you to important tips and resources.
Other Updates:
- Follow the New LinkedIn Page – The partners to your best teaching are moving LinkedIn pages. The TLC LinkedIn page has migrated to an official Wentworth showcase page. Follow us there to get the latest news and events.