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New and Noteworthy – March 2022

Every month TLC will post the newest and noteworthy materials up on the Teaching & Learning Hub. Here is March’s list.

Teaching Strategies & Pedagogy:

  • Why Digital Portfolios – Why use digital portfolios? Now that is a question worth exploring in more detail! Here are some of the skills we love to see our students master as they create digital portfolios.
  • Types of Digital Portfolios – Why use digital portfolios? Now that is a question worth exploring in more detail! Here are some of the skills we love to see our students master as they create digital portfolios.
  • Rubrics: A Prescription for Healthier Grading – A deeper look into why and how to use rubrics for the benefit of students and faculty.

Technology Tools & Tips:

  • Turnitin Template Exclusion Template exclusion is now live! The new assignment setting will allow users to automatically exclude text associated with a template from the Similarity Report, so it’s not flagged as student collusion on the same assignment. The long-awaited feature will help to reduce false positives in the Similarity Report, save instructors time reviewing student work, and provide a more accurate similarity score overall. To learn more about this exciting value-add feature, check out our updated guide page here.

Other Updates:

  • Attend the Guilt-Free Book Club – Please join your colleagues at the Guilt-Free Book Club’s 2nd meeting on Friday, March 4th at 12:30 – 1:30 PM. We’ll be discussing Teach Students How to Learn by Dr. Saundra McGuire. No need to read to attend, but reading will enrich your experience. Visit our website to access the chapter, register for the zoom meeting, and get the recording if you can’t attend.
  • CoLab Podcast Episode 1– Josh interviews Professor Ilyas Bhatti, Professor of Construction Management at Wentworth, who reflects upon his rich career and the connections that have defined it by sharing stories and lessons learned.
  • Follow the new TLC Showcase page – For Spring Break TLC is traveling to our new Showcase page. This page is going away by March 14th. Our new destination is you get a LinkedIn invite from Teaching & Learning Collaborative please accept so we can continue our adventure together. Looking forward to a safe and fun spring vacation!
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