Every month TLC will post the newest and noteworthy materials on the Teaching & Learning Hub. Here is August’s list.
Teaching Strategies & Pedagogy:
- Five Minute Flares: Rubrics Reimagined – Watch the video version of Megan Hamilton Giebert’s five minute flare from D2L Fusion on July 20th.
- Create a Welcoming and Inclusive Virtual Learning Environment – Adapted from Lucy Wolski’s D2L Fusion presentation on July 21st, read about how to use Brightspace to create a home away from home.
Technology Tools & Tips:
- Join the Upcoming August Gradescope Workshop Series – This series will cover all Gradescope assignment types and course formats, including the LMS workflow. In the sessions (August 3rd- 17th), we’ll offer guidance on the delivery of assignments that are hand written, fully online, and a combination of the two.
- Workflow for incompletes – If you have students who end the semester with an incomplete (grade in Banner of “IC”), we have a workflow in place that allows students uninterrupted access to the course, until a letter grade for the course is posted in Banner.
- Status Pages for Academic Tech Tools – Is it working? Check the current status pages for many of our academic technology tools.
Other Updates:
- TLC Zoom Drop-In Hours – Our virtual office hours will resume weekly from 2 pm – 4pm starting August 3rd.