To join Wentworth Student Government all you need to do is attend a single meeting!
They take place on Wednesday at 6:00 PM. We will be hosting meetings through Microsoft Teams
Once part of a team, you can click the join button while a meeting is active to hop on the video call. Questions and concerns can also be posted to the General Body text channel.
After three consecutive meetings, you are then considered a permanent member of WSG and are able to vote on any legislation!
Q: Do I need any experience to join?
A: Nope! We have members from all sorts of backgrounds, from no experience to having served on governments in high school.
Q: How much commitment is needed?
A: All we ask is an hour of your time on Wednesday nights (6:00pm – 7:00pm). However if you want to be more involved there are many opportunities!
Q: Are there any fees?
A: Not at all!
Q: Is Student Government for me?
A: Student Government is for every student on campus, stop by a meeting and see how you like it!