Post-Finals and Chilling

The last day of exams just ended and I was surprised that I did not see anyone panicking.
Most of the people I hang out with on a regular basis were studied enough that they at least felt prepared before the exam. Nothing to say about how they felt after the exam, but there is scientific evidence that confidence improves test scores.

I had more finals than most and it was neat watching the school slowly empty out as students left after finishing. On the last day of finals, I was pretty much the only commuter left in the downstairs of Beatty, my hangout spot.

Beatty is an okay place to spend a day, better than most other places around campus. The library is probably better for getting work done, and no matter how full it is, there is usually at least one quiet place. Downstairs, though there is no guarantee for volume, there are sometimes open meeting rooms students are allowed to occupy and those are top notch. Plenty of places to charge a laptop, 6 ethernet ports, comfortable spinning chairs, and a huge table to work on make these places ideal for work or gaming. If none of the meeting rooms are open, I still like to stay downstairs because that is a place where people are most willing to talk, even if they do not really know you. And the pool tables are downstairs so if you come in any time after 7:30AM, there will be people playing pool.

I think most students like to spend the day in the dorm buildings, but as a commuter that is less attractive. Commuters are welcome enough in the dorm buildings, but I always feel a little bit out of place, even though I only go when my friends have invited me.

Anyways, lots of good places to hang out on campus. I have places to be alone, to meet new people, and to be with friends

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