Jump start your Course Prep

Blackboard can save instructors a lot of time…if you make use of some specific options. Merging sections can reduce the number of places/times you need to post the same content. Copying courses from term to term can jump start your course prep by populating the new term’s course shell with content reused each term. Qwickly allows announcements and content posting from one place to multiple courses. All these functions can streamline your workflow.

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Turnitin Interface Changes

As of August 8th 2016 Turnitin’s interface has changed. Until July 2017, users have the option to use the old interface, Classic View, after which the new interface will be the only interface available. The new interface is cleaner and more streamlined but has the same functionality as the old site. All Turnitin functions are now accessed through a tool bar on the right side of the screen.

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Twitter for Teaching

Did you know that you can embed a live twitter feed in your Blackboard course? This extends Blackboard functionality to include live chat and could be used for backchannel discussions in face to face classes or to encourage participation and collaboration after hours or in the online classroom. What is Twitter? Twitter is a social […]

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