How Technology has Influenced the 21st Century Learner

Education is embarking on major changes to students’ learning and knowledge acquisition. Technology has influenced and changed the way students solve problems, research information and learn.  21st century learning is becoming a disruption to traditional education as we know it. No longer are memorization, traditional testing and quizzing a true measure of our students’ knowledge? […]

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Video Captioning at Wentworth

Closed captioning of video content refers to text representation of the audio portion. Closed captioning is essential for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. However, it is also helpful to non-native English speakers, users viewing content in a noisy area, or those who simply prefer visual rather than auditory presentation of information. Learning […]

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What social media do you like to use?

The results of the social media poll are in…LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter top the usage with 75% followed by Instagram and flickr with 63% with a few using GooglePlus+, Pinterest and SnapChat.

The new poll is out…voice your opinion on home page!

LInkedIn 75%, Facebook 75%, Twitter 75%, Instagram 63%, flickr 63%, Google Plus+ 38%, Pinterest 25%, SnapChat 13%

Results of social media poll Jan 2016

Using Films on Demand in Blackboard

Wentworth Institute of Technology subscribes to Films on Demand – a database of video resources on a wide variety of topics in multiple disciplines. The subscription includes copyright clearance and allows unlimited access in and outside of classroom. Films on Demand can be embedded in Blackboard or shared as a link. The following video (5 […]

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Challenge students with online math and science homework problems with WeBWorK !

LIT interviewed Assistant Professor Steve Morrow to learn about the Applied Math Department’s expanded use of WeBWorK, an open-source online homework system for math and science courses. So what is WeBWorK? “WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for math and sciences courses. WeBWorK is supported by the MAA and the NSF and comes with […]

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