Want to present at the 2015 COF Teaching and Learning Conference: Critical Conversations?

Join the Colleges of the Fenway November 12th (evening) and November 13th (9-3) at Simmons College exploring Critical Conversations. As educators, we need to be equipped to manage difficult conversations whenever and wherever they occur: How do we talk about the Black Lives Matter movement? How do we address a theater shooting? Terrorist Bombing? The recent statistics […]

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Find the Academic Technology Tool You Need

Need to integrate academic technology tools into your course and don’t want to pay for them? We’ve got you covered… Wentworth has invested in these tools: Blackboard Learn, Bb Learn Mobile Atomic Learning, Lynda Campus (on-demand videos) Lecture Capture / video creation: Echo360, Student video licenses Camtasia Livescribe Pens Active Learning and Collaboration Tools VoiceThread […]

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Discover what your students know… instantly

Research on clicker technology supports it is not a trend or a fad, but a true instructional technology that can change instruction and impact student learning. According to Guthrie and Carlin,1 modern students are primarily active learners, and lecture courses may be increasingly out of touch with how students engage their world. You can use clickers to poll your […]

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