Developing Your Digital Identity: Twitter

Developing a professional “digital identity” on social media can be daunting with all of the resources out there. I recommend starting simple and seeing where a couple of profiles can take you on this online journey! I recently completed an online course in “Developing your Social Media and Digital Presence for Higher Ed Staff” and […]

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From Atomic to Lynda: Finding Similar Content

The LIT Advisory Committee has been reviewing two products: Atomic and Lynda, two of our online learning platforms that provide on-demand video courses, to determine its volume and usage on campus. Through feedback and data analysis, our research shows that faculty have found Lynda more valuable in their teaching and learning. Moving forward this year, […]

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How to Engage Your Students Using PowerPoint

Most faculty use PowerPoint when they teach. But wouldn’t you like to create engaging PowerPoint slides? Create an engaged learning environment where every student can participate and have a voice? Using Top Hat Classroom allows instructors to sync their lectures slides with students’ devices so they can follow along in real-time. Instructors can build in […]

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Faculty Showcase: pictures, give feedback and save the date!

Congratulations to the 47 faculty who showcased wonderful examples of their teaching, scholarship, EPIC projects, mini-grants, professorships and sabbaticals! We are grateful to the support services colleagues and Gartner who shared resources available to faculty at the Showcase and the LIT Advisory working group who planned and hosted this wonderful event. Over 80 faculty, staff […]

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