
By Henry Mintzberg

“This book is based on a day spent in the working lives of twenty managers. It is a very good read for any manager or future manager. As the author says, ‘We should be seeing managers as leaders and leadership as management practiced well.’ ” —Professor Mark H. Hasso, Ph.D., P.E., Construction Management

The Architecture of Glenn Murcutt

By Glenn Murcutt

“I was one of 32 architects selected by Glenn Murcutt to participate in his 2010 master class in Australia. This book highlights his seminal works of architecture through Murcutt’s drawings and photographs.” —Associate Professor Beth Gibb, Architecture

The Post-American World

By Fareed Zakaria

“This book gives us plenty of reasons to pause and think about where we are headed as a nation. Our greatness is being surpassed by other nations in many areas. Can we change the course? —Associate Professor Ilyas Bhatti, Construction Management