A Time to Care

We are in the midst of a season of caring….the time from November through December, when we stock food pantries, deliver meals to those in need, assemble care packages, and add Toys for Tots to our shopping lists.  This is the time when we show our compassion to others and tell those around us that we care about them. And certainly, this isn’t the only time when we show we care.

Since September, I’ve personally read through over 100 messages that essentially say the same thing: I care about you.

When a member of our campus community has a concern for a student’s well-being, they may submit a CARE report – an online referral form. The purpose of a CARE report is to connect the student with the resource on campus that best supports them: tutoring, counseling, advising, medical care, etc. Often these CARE reports begin or end with “I am worried about him/her/them”. More often, when students learn that someone in our community has cared about them enough to tell someone else, their appreciation is deep. It’s one of the things I love most about Wentworth students.

This semester, we embarked on a campaign to encourage students to submit CARE reports for other students. We know that you know each other very well, that you confide in each other often, that you care about your friends and classmates, that you notice when something just doesn’t seem right, and when listening just isn’t enough and you think your friend or classmate may need additional support. Of the over 100 CARE reports received this semester, six were submitted by students.

It is understandable that someone might say….”I don’t want the person to be upset with me because I told you this” and not submit a CARE report. We hear this concern. Consider this…if you are worried about someone, they will understand if you share that with someone else who can help. This isn’t gossip. This is someone seeking help for someone they care about. And yes, the person may be upset at first. And then, they will understand. They will appreciate that someone cared enough to say “I care about you.”

There are lots of ways we show others that we care about them. A CARE Report is just one. If you would like to submit a CARE report or to learn more about why you might submit a CARE report, please visit www.wit.edu/care. As a reminder, in the event of an emergency or if you are worried about a student’s immediate safety, call Public Safety at 617-989-4444 or 911.