Get out the vote!

Today is Super Tuesday. Individuals in 13 states, including Massachusetts, will vote in the presidential primary. According to our most recent #WITwants2know, 74% of our respondents indicated they have been following the presidential campaigns. We hope this translates into a large majority of our students voting today and again in November.

Voting is an incredible right and privilege. Many across the world (and some might argue within our country) either don’t have this right or don’t have the access to exercise the right.  Voting is a civic duty.

As you continue to follow the presidential elections, we encourage you to seek out more information than what you may get day to day. Do some research. Explore websites that offer varying viewpoints on the candidates, listen closely to what candidates say (or how they say it) during their speeches, and talk with each other. Find out what’s important to your friends and classmates in the election. Which issues are they most concerned about?  Because while voting is an individual act, democracy, the ideal to which voting represents, is a community endeavor.