Spring Commencement

Students who are finishing up their last semester of classes on our campus are counting down -perhaps quietly, or excitedly – the number of days to Commencement on April 23rd. The opportunity to walk across the stage and shake President Pantic’s hand and offer a wide, proud smile to the crowd is the culmination of the many memories and hard work of your time at Wentworth.

Each year when we interview students who have applied to be the Student Speaker at Commencement, the idea that commencement is a beginning and not necessarily an end is often heard. Of course it’s nice to reminisce about your first year residence hall, that instructor with whom you learned so much, and the friendships that will be there a lifetime. And the fact that this is a beginning for our graduates is never underestimated. There is a sense or remembrance and hope at commencement, and one graduate, through their speech, allows each graduate to reflect on the past and envision a future.

We are pleased to announce the following individuals who will serve as the Student Speaker and other students who will participate in this year’s Spring Commencement:


For the Undergraduate Ceremony

Student Speaker: Chelsea Gazaille, Architecture

Student Marshal: Lisa Osgood, Electromechanical Engineering

Creed Book Carrier (2011 cohort): Mark Olsen, Electromechanical Engineering

Creed Book Carrier (2012 cohort): Sam Maloney, Architecture


For the Graduate Ceremony

Student Speaker: Jessica Terranova, Facilities Management

Student Marshal: Sara Zettler, Architecture