Sound of Silence

This morning, while shoveling out my driveway from the first snowstorm of 2017, I was reminded of the sweet sound of silence. There is something about the insulator nature of snow that brings a sense of peace to our often times loud and hectic lives. It makes shoveling something to look forward to, as it gives you an opportunity to tune out the to-do lists on your head or the worry in your heart and just be in the moment.

But, the trick is to find these moments, not just when the snow has fallen, but as often as possible throughout every season of the year. Calming our minds, centering our thoughts, allowing ourselves to actually hear silence, is the way we replenish our spirits and refuel our tanks.

Whether through exercise, art, music, prayer, reading, meditating, cooking, or, in my case, eating what others cook, it is important to find that activity that allows you to escape the hustle for a moment and be one with yourself. Disconnecting from electronics, from academics, and from work in order to intentionally reconnect with yourself, should be on all of our to-do lists in 2017.

Become comfortable with the sound of silence. Learn the words, as likely they are coming from your head. Listen to the rhythms, as they are likely coming from your heart. Learn to seek out and embrace the quiet moments, as they allow you to prepared to tackle the not so quiet world.

Sound of silence. Savor it.
