My favorite spots on campus

While there is a giant construction site in the middle of our campus (sometimes there is big truck or back hoe right outside our window), I’ve been thinking a lot about how lucky we are to have such a great campus. Our Physical Plant and Facilities staff do an amazing job with our grounds and buildings. There are so many spots on campus to do work, hang out with your friends, or just sit by yourself for some introverted, alone time.

Most of our students (71% according to respondents of a recent #WITwants2know question) have a favorite spot on campus. And having that place to go to is really important. I am sure our friends and colleagues in architecture or interior design could explain more about the psychology of space. But we all need that place we in which we find comfort, that feeling of belonging, of home. We need that place where we can be confident and vulnerable, where we can be our best ourselves. We need that place where we can sit down and think, this feels right.

I’d love to know your favorite spot on campus. Send it to me. Here are a few of my favorite spots on campus.

These are the places where I find community and pride, where I know students are being brilliant and are determined, and where I can be with friends and colleagues. Don’t have a favorite spot of your own? Feel free to share one of mine.