Student Satisfaction: what we need to know

The Ruffalo Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) is a nationally-recognized assessment tool that measures students’ satisfaction with their total campus experience. Research has highlighted strong connections between satisfaction and retention, completion rates, and alumni giving (Ruffalo Noel Levitz 2017).  Through the assessment, students assign a level of importance and satisfaction with 98 items related to their experience. The SSI was administered to all undergraduate, day students in February 2018 via the web. A 24% response rate was achieved.

There is broad representation across academic programs and other demographic categories. The SSI was also competed in 2016, 2014, and 2012.

Summary Data

  • The majority of respondents report positive experiences as a student.
  • Results from the 2018 SSI are very similar to the results of previous iterations in 2016, 2014, and 2012.
  • Satisfaction has increased slightly since 2016.
  • Over half of the respondents provided a specific comment on their experience. One student wrote, “I think WIT is a fantastic place. I was very worried about how my college experience would go as I’m not very good with new people but coming here has changed me for the better and I feel welcomed.”
  • Students report high satisfaction with items related to safety and campus security, as well as the quality of resources and services in the library.
WIT 2018 National Average WIT 2016 WIT 2014 WIT 2012
Students’ experiences have met or exceeded expectations


80% 81% 78% 84% 80%
Students report some level of satisfaction with their overall experience on campus


72% 72% 71% 77% 72%
Students would enroll again at Wentworth.


58% 56% 58% 60% 57%


Items that students evaluate as important and with which they attribute satisfaction are characterized as strengths of the institution. Overall, 16 items are listed as institutional strengths. The top five are:

  •  The content of the courses within my major is valuable*.
  • Nearly all of the faculty are knowledgeable in their field*.
  • Security staff respond quickly in emergencies.
  • The Coops + Careers Office provides me with ample opportunities to meet employers.
  • I am able to experience intellectual growth here*.

“The content of the courses within my major is valuable” is the top strength in 2018, 2016, 2014, and 2012. Students have also rated “nearly all of the faculty are knowledgeable in their field” and “I am able to experience intellectual growth here” as strengths of the institute in each iteration of the survey.

*Among the top five strengths nationally for four-year, private institutions.



Items that students evaluate as important but with which they are not satisfied, or the gap between importance and satisfaction is great, are characterized as the institution’s challenges. Eighteen (18) items were listed as challenges. The top five are:

  • The instruction in my major field is excellent.
  • The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent.
  • Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment**.
  • I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts**.
  • It is an enjoyable experience to be a student on this campus**.

The item “the instruction in my major field is excellent” is the top challenge in 2018 and 2016. Nationally, this item is among the top 5 strengths for four-year, private institutions.

Three of the other four challenges were also noted as challenges in 2016, 2014, and 2012.  These include “I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts,” “the quality of instruction I receive in most classes is excellent,” and “tuition paid is a worthwhile investment.” With this consistency, additional research and action planning to improve these ratings may be considered.

**Among the top five challenges nationally for four-year, private institutions.


Most Important Items

  • The content of the courses within my major is valuable.
  • Nearly all of the faculty are knowledgeable in their field.
  • The instruction in my major field is excellent.~
  • The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent.~
  • Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment.~

~Three of the most important items to students are institutional challenges.


Greatest Satisfaction

  • WIT Alert emergency notifications are timely and informative.
  • Library staff are helpful and approachable.
  • This institution has a good reputation within the community.
  • Library resources and services are adequate.
  • Security staff respond quickly in emergencies.


While there is some increase in overall student satisfaction, results from this iteration of the Student Satisfaction Inventory resemble the results from the 2016 and 2014 data. There is strong confidence in describing what is important to students, the institutional strengths, and the challenges that need to be resolved.  Items related to a student’s academic experience continue to be of the most important parts of their experience.  Students reported mixed feelings about achieving university status as they believed it led to increases in tuition. Students also noted the impact of construction on their experience: “Construction of new building is taking a toll on social quality of life on campus.”

Analysis of the 2018 SSI data is conducted by the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. For more information on the Student Satisfaction Inventory, please contact either Peter Fowler, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (x4082 or or Liz Harris, Associate Director for Institutional Effectiveness (x4748 or